We understand that corporate travelers often prefer to use specific airline, hotels and car companies for their business travels. Our dedicated teams understand individual company needs and is geared to provide personal business travel services tailored to the needs of growing businesses, focusing on best value and exceptional services.
Our teams draw on their experience and professional expertise to provide end-to-end services to all kinds and sizes of business enterprises including government offices, SMEs, local and multinational companies in the UAE region.
Our wide range of Corporate Travel services includes:
Travel Management Solutions
Dedicated Travel consultant
Implant Travel Services
24/7 services
Key Account Management and Relationship Management
Travel spend analysis (MIR)
Travel Consultancy and Policy Development
Visa Services
Insurance services
Air Charters
Our expertise is also used to reduce cost in areas from service delivery and strategic supplier negotiations, right through to individual traveler itineraries.
By appointing Apar Travels as your preferred travel management company, you would get our service benefits like: we provide corporate credit facility with mutually agreed terms and conditions. We work with all major credit card for payments and payment gateways